If you have many tools and programs installed on your system you will notice a loss of overview in your start menu because of the huge amount of file shortcuts. You may spend more time on finding a certain program until you will be able to execute it. QuickFind is your FiRST AiD. It joins shortcuts from your start menu and desktop together and displays them in a list box. To find a certain shortcut you only need to enter a short keyword, usually the beginning of the program's title. In addition to that QuickFind is able to rename, delete or copy shortcuts into different Locations and system directories (Desktop, Registry, Auto run...) or alter the targets of shortcuts quickly and much more.
Key Features
Quick and easy access to all your desktop and startmenu shortcuts, recently opened documents and all your Internet Explorer bookmarks
Windows Explorer Context Menu extension: Select "Find Target" from the file context menu and the target directory of a shortcut will be shown in the Windows Explorer
Add your favorite file and url shortcuts into a categorized context menu
Basic file operations: copy, rename, delete shortcuts or alter targets of file and url shortcuts
What's New in Version 1.3.2?
It is possible to find dead file shortcuts with invalid target and delete them (therefore chose: View -> Find dead links)
The name of an list item (e.g. program name) can be looked up quickly by Google (chose: Send to -> Google)
some minor bugfixes